First collection update since 2009!
Randomly decided to run my Morino now, because I wanted to use one of my new Morino cases. I'm not sure why I keep grabbing my yellow shell, when the white is my favorite.
Who is terrible at running app-based virtual pets? Oh yeah, that'd be me...
You can't tell very well in the picture, but Bongo has a shimmery finish! He is a series 1 Micro Pet.
I got all three colors of Tamagotchi Morino cases in today! Only paid $9.95 a piece!
My limited edition pink Micro Pet bunny sings us her finest rendition of "Ten Little Ladybugs".
Getting a bunch of virtual pets for my birthday. Mainly Micro pets-i. I pulled out my current collection of old Micro Pets in anticipation!
From my Tamagotchi iD L 15th Anniversary
From the new Tamagotchi P
The new Tamagotchi P is being released in Japan tomorrow. My husband bought me a white one for Christmas. There are to be 32 new characters. Are you getting one?
The new Furbies are out! I got my hands on this gorgeous white one!
Finally got a white Mori No Tamagotchi! I got the yellow before, and have been eyeballing the white ever since! My favorite Tama!
This is a rare find. I bought this roughly 6 - 7 years ago off of ebay. The last few times I saw one on ebay, they sold for around $150. This was a limited edition Giga Pet themed after Oreo. You could send off an order form to receive these from Oreo around 1998.
It plays just like any other Giga Pet. The menu is changed around a bit, but you can still teach it tricks, play a game with it, feed it food and treats, bathe it, take it to the vet, and of course, clean up it's poo. The food is cheese and the treats are naturally, oreo cookies.
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