Tamagotchi 4U+ Guide

This is what the default menu will have on it when you first start up your 4U+. As you play, you will unlock more options.


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  • Character Parameters (キャラパラメータ)
    • Screen 1
      • Stomach (おなか)
      • Affection/Happiness (あいじょー)
    • Screen 2
      • Character Name
      • Gender
      • Age
      • Weight
      • Gotchi Gold
    • Screen 3
      • Basic Skills (きほんスキル)
      • School Skills (おーようスキル)
    • Screen 4
      • Clover Leaves
  • Profile (プロフィール)
    • Screen 1
      • Your Name
      • Your Gender (Press the B button to set this)
      • Your Mood
    • Screen 2
      • Your Birthday
      • Your Age
      • Your Astrological Sign
      • Your Hobby
    • Screen 3
      • Your Dream for the Future (しょうらいのゆめ)
      • Your Favorite Food (すきなたべもの)
      • Your Favorite Person (すきなひと)
      • Your Special Skill (とくぎ)
  • Setting (せってい)
    • Time Setting (じかんせってい)
    • Icon Background (アイコンバック)
      • Pink Notes (ピンクノート)
      • Purple Arabia (パープルアラビア)
      • Brewster (ブルースター)
      • Candy Sky (きゃんでぃすかい)
    • Brightness Setting (あかるさせってい)
    • Sound Settings (サウンドせってい)
      • On (オン)
      • Off (オフ)


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  • Greeting (あいさツーしん)
    • Profile Exchange (プロフこうかん)
      • Send (する)
      • Quit (やめる)
  • Tamagotchi 4U (たまごっち4U)
    • Game (ツーしんゲーム)
      • Play (あぞぶ)
      • Quit (やめる)
    • Items Exchange (アイテムこうかん)
      • Bring (あげる)
        • Belongings (もちもの)
          • Refrigerator (れいぞうこ)
          • Outfit (ようふく)
          • Accessories (アクセサリー)
          • Toys/Items (おどうぐ)
        • Shop (おみせ)
          • Living (リビング)
          • Mini-Games (ミニゲーム)
          • Travel Destinations (おでかけさき)
          • Food (ごはん)
          • Snacks (おやつ)
      • Quit (やめる)
    • Commemorative Photo (きねんしゃしん)
    • Propose (プロポース)
      • Send (する)
      • Receive (うける)
      • Quit (やめる)
  • 4U App (4Uアプリ)
  • Touch Spot (タッチスポット)


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  • Bingo Game (ビンゴゲーム)
  • Tama Gashapon ( たまガシャポン)


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  • Refrigerator (れいぞうに)
    • Rice (ごはん)
    • Biscuit (ビスケット)
  • Cafe/Restaurant (カフエレストラン)
    • Food
      • Curry Rice (カレーライス)
      • Fried Chicken (からあげ)
      • Dumplings (ぎょうざ)
      • Pizza (ピザ)
      • Omelette Rice (オムライス)
      • Fried Fish and Rice Bowl (てんどん)
      • Cream Stew (クリームシチュー)
      • Tanuki Udon (たぬきうどん)
      • Oyakodon (おやこどん)
      • Sushi (おすし)
      • Gratin (グラタン)
      • Green Salad (グリーンサラダ)
      • Fried Rice (チャーハン)
      • Soba (そば)
      • Jumbo Steak (ジャンボステーキ)
      • Neopolitan (ナポリタン)
      • Hamburger (ハンバーガー)
    • Snack
      • Shortcake (ショートケーキ)
      • Ice Cream (アイスクリーム)
      • Honey Toast (ハニートースト)
      • Apple (りんご)
      • Pudding A La Mode (プリナラモード)
      • Strawberry (いちご)
      • Popcorn (ポップコーン)
      • Almond Jelly (あんにんどうふ)
      • Fruit Parfait (フルーツパフエ)
      • Macaron (マカロン)
      • Shaved Ice (かきごおり)
      • Lollipop (ぺろぺろキャンデイ)
      • Collagen Jelly (コラーゲンゼリー)
      • Bubble Tea (タピオカドリンク)
      • Bun (おだんご)
      • Nata de Coco (ナタデココ)
      • Herbal Tea (ハーブティ)


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  • Praise (ほめる)
  • Reprimand (しかる)
  • Talk (はなしかける)
  • Caring (いたわり)
  • Tama Sitter (たまシッター)
    • Yes (はい)
    • No (いいえ)


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  • Toilet (トイレ)
  • Bathing * Toothpaste (おふろ*はみがき)
  • Cleaning Locker (おそうじロッカー)
  • Closet (クローゼット)
    • Outfit (ようふく)
    • Accessories (アクセサリ)


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  • Tama Depa (たまデパ)
    • Games Corner (ゲームコーナー)
    • Renovation (リフォーム)
    • Item Shop (アイテムショップ)
    • Tama Fashion (たまファッション)
  • Park (こうえん)
  • School (がっこう)
    • Invention Class (はつめいぶ)
    • Fashion Class (フアッションぶ)
    • Sports Club (うんどうぶ)
    • Art Class (げいじゅつぶ)
    • Cooking Class (りょうりぶ)
  • Matchmaker (おみあいじょ)


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  • Toys/Items (おどうぐ)
  • Special (スペシャル)
  • Bingo Card (ビンゴカード)
  • Coupon (クーポン)


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  • Tama Tomo Notebook (たまともてちょう)
  • Friends Notebook (ともだちてちょう)
  • Commemorative Photo (きねんしゃしん)
  • Parenting Notebook (こそだてちょう)
  • Seasonal Decoration (きせつかざり)



The first menu item is where you can check the status of your tama as well as edit the settings. Under character parameters, you will see the stomach and happiness meters, character name, gender, age, weight, gotchi gold, basic skill stamps, school skill stamps, and earned clover leaves.


Tamagotchis in the 4U plus can learn skills. The third screen under character parameters will show the stamps for skills that your tama has earned. The top row is basic skills. The bottom row is school skills. 

Basic Skills

The basic skills are potty training, cleaning, and bathing. Your tama will silently call you to do these actions. You can only obtain these skills while your tama is a toddler.

 If they need to use the bathroom, you will see a poop icon in their speech window. Select the toilet option under the icon shaped like a bathtub. After your tama has used the toilet, select the praise option located under the clover icon. If you do this three times, you will get the potty training stamp, and your tama will be able to go to the bathroom by themselves. No more poops in the living room!

 If your tama needs to clean up the house, you will see a toy block going into a box icon. Select the cleaning locker option under the bathroom icon to clean the house. After your tama has completed this, select the praise option located under the clover icon. If your tama completes this two times, it will earn the cleaning stamp. It will then learn to clean up after itself. It will always call to cleanup at 6PM.

 If your tama needs to bathe, you will see a toothbrush and bath tub icon. Select the bathing/toothpaste option under the bathroom icon. After your tama has completed this, select the praise option located under the clover icon. If your tama completes this two times, you will get the bathing stamp, and your tama will be able to bathe themselves.

School Skills

The school skills are the bottom set of skill icons. You can learn inventing, fashion, sports, art, and cooking. You can only get these skill stamps as an adult. In order to attend school, you must purchase the first 5 items in the item shop at Tama Depa, plus the study set. Classes are available from 7AM - 4:59PM. In order to earn a subject stamp, your tama must attend several classes. Certain characters will be better at some subjects than others. They will quickly earn the stamp for the subject they are adept at. It will take much longer for them to learn the subject they are bad at. You need to go to a class over and over until your tama learns the stamp. Don't give up!

Learning skills can earn you money when someone requests that you make something for them. You can find these people in your garden at 8AM, 1PM, and 5PM. There are also certain adults you can get once you have earning skills.

Clover Leaves 

The clover leaves are the equivalent of the four friendship points present in many other color tamagotchis. In order to get that character's stamp, you need to get all four clover leaves. The first three are from giving the character food or items that it loves. The fourth clover leaf is from keeping an adult character for 72 hours.


Under profile, you can enter information about yourself. Hit the B button, then hit the A button to cycle through the items. Hit B when you want to edit one. This is mainly for fun, and does not affect gameplay.


In the settings option, you can set time, brightness, and sound, but you can also change the background displayed behind the icons. You will start off with four options, and can unlock more with continued play.


When you want to connect two 4U+'s together, you select the connection on one tama instead of both. This is different from the other color versions, and the connection series. Make sure the tama you are connecting to has it's screen lit up. It will not connect if the screen is off. Place the tamas side-by-side, select the connection option you want on one of the tamas, and the connection will begin.


The greeting option allows your tamas to meet and exchange profiles.

Tamagotchi 4U

The Tamagotchi 4U option allows you to connect to 4U's and 4U+'s. You can play a game, exchange items like food and toys, take a photo together, or propose marriage.

4U App

The 4U App option allows you to connect your tama to the 4U App on a compatible Android device with NFC capabilities. Just because your device has NFC does not mean it will work. Mr. Blinky has also developed an English language version of the app, which you can download here.

With the 4U App, you can add food, toys, games, travel destinations, and more. This is the new way to get content on your tama replacing IR transfers.

Touch Spot 

The Touch Spot option allows you to connect your 4U+ to a touch spot located in stores around Japan, or retrieve content from a touch card that is sold separately. Mr. Blinky's English app has much of the content from Japanese touch spots available for download.

Bump Items

This menu gives you a list of games that you unlock by NFC "bumping". You do not have to always download something from the 4U app to get a "bump". As long as you are logged into your Android device, and your tama's screen is on, you can place them back-to-back, and get a "bump". You may do this many times to unlock more items.


This is the menu where you can feed your Tamagotchi. The first option is to feed them from the refrigerator at home. The second option is to travel into town, and have them eat at the Cafe. The default foods for the refrigerator is rice and a biscuit. Your tama will only like rice when it is young. Once it is an adult, it will be a hated food. If you feed it to an adult tama, they will be grossed out and throw a fit. Sometimes when you feed your tama at home, they will jump around the kitchen, not eat their food, fart, and throw around chairs. This is incredibly annoying, and what is worse is that you can never teach your tama not to do this. A big oversight in my opinion. You need to scold your tama after they do this, but this is something they will 

Clover Care

The clover icon is a general care menu. From here, you can praise or scold your tama to teach them basic skills. You can also talk to your tama, and gain happiness. If your tama becomes sick or gets a tooth ache, you can use the care option to heal them.

Tama Sitter

The last option allows you to call the Tama Sitter. The Tama Sitter is just like a babysitter. If you know you won't be able to tend to your tama, you can pay for the Sitter Poketchi to come to your house to watch them. They will keep them fed and happy while you are busy. 


The bathroom option lets you clean poop, place your tama on the toilet, bathe them, brush their teeth, clean the house, or access their closet. If your tama poops, you can choose the toilet option to clean it up. If your tama has the poop icon in their speech box, or if they are doing the "gotta go" wiggle, you can take them to the toilet to poop there.

Bath/Brush Teeth

If your tama turns brown, it means they are dirty, and need a bath. Choose the Bathing * Toothpaste option to have them take a bath or brush their teeth.

Clean the house

The cleaning locker option will have your tama clean the house. Sometimes if they are playing with blocks, they will make a mess of the living room. Select this option to make them clean up after themselves.


The closet option allows you to access the outfits and accessories you have purchased for your tama. If you have not purchased anything, the options will be grayed out.


The door icon is where you can have your tama leave the house, and visit different places around Tama Town. You can go to Tama Depa, the park, school, or the Matchmaker.

Tama Depa

At Tama Depa, you can play games, purchase renovations for your living room, purchase items/toys, and buy outfits and accessories. The games corner is how you will earn gotchi gold to purchase renovations, items, clothes, and food. If you want to easily get gotchi gold, Mr. Blinky has created a 4U version of his EZGOTCHI game, which will automatically give you 9999 gotchi gold. You can download that from his English 4U app here.


The park is where you can meet many different characters, go on dates as an adult, and see special events. There is always something different going on here throughout the day.


At school, you can learn the school skills. These include inventing, fashion, sports, art, and cooking. As stated in the skills section:

You can only get these skill stamps as an adult. In order to attend school, you must purchase the first 5 items in the item shop at Tama Depa, plus the study set. Classes are available from 7AM - 4:59PM. In order to earn a subject stamp, your tama must attend several classes. Certain characters will be better at some subjects than others. They will quickly earn the stamp for the subject they are adept at. It will take much longer for them to learn the subject they are bad at. You need to go to a class over and over until your tama learns the stamp. Don't give up!


Almost everyone's favorite location. The matchmaker! Once you get the stamp for your 4U, you can send your tama to the matchmaker's to get hooked up, and create a new generation of tama. You can always marry two opposite gender 4U+'s, but this option is great if you only have one, or only have one running. You will get to choose from 3 different bachelors/bachlorettes. If you have your tama's stamp before you go, your tama and it's spouse will have a special animation sequence of dating. If not, they just get married, and plot out a kid.

Treasure Chest

The treasure chest icon will give you access to your items/toys, special items, bingo cards, and coupons. You can get special items from special events, and bingo cards come from connection "bumps". Coupons can be obtained from certain characters that show up in your garden.


The notebook icon houses all of the notes about your Tamagotchi's progress. You can view which Tama characters you have earned a stamp from, the friends you have connected with, commemorative photos you have taken with friends, previous generations, and seasonal decorations.

Download Limits

The 4U and 4U+ can only hold so many download items. Here are the limits:

Meals: 20
Snacks: 20
Wallpapers: 10
Item: 15
Games: 2
Clothes: 5
Accessories: 10
Destinations: 4
Coupon: 1
Gashapon: 1
Characters: 8
Seasonal Decorations: 4

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